The Ice Of Antarctica Is Melting 6 Times Faster Compared To 1980

Affect Of Global Warming On Antarctica Glaciers 

According to a new research the scientists have taken images over the Antarctica with the help of satellites. After analysis the scientist some to know that how the ice was melting in 1979. Scientist said that the ice is melting at a very fast speed and the global warming is the main reason for this problem.
The report explains that more than 278 million ton of ice starts melting from the year 2009. Whereas in 1980 it was just 44 million ton. The melting of ice is 15 percent more than the last year.
Aric Righton a scientist from California university has said that with the help of latest technology and satellites they have found that around 54 million ton of ice is melting every year.

Reasons Behind The Melting Of Ice In Antarctica

 The reasons are very simple and everyone knows it but we want to explain that issues again which are responsible for this.
  • Global Warming :- This is the main reason for the melting of ice. Global warming is caused by pollution and pollution comes out from factories, vehicles, fire incidents, and from many other things. The CFC gases which come out from refrigerators, air conditioners and other things. These gases break the ozone layer. This is a layer which prevents earth from the the ultraviolet rays of sun. As these green gases damages the ozone layer the rays of sun are hitting the glaciers of Antarctica and as the damage is increasing the affect of sun rays is also increasing. 
  • Deforestation :- Cutting down of trees at large rate for the settlement of human population and completing the demands of humans the trees are being cut down at a large rate. As trees end pollution and other gases but trees are being fallen down.

Solution To Decrease The Speed Of Melting Of Ice In Antarctica

There is a solution to strike against global warming and to save the earth.
  • Tree Plantation :- Plantation of trees at large rate and stop the cutting of trees can contribute a lot to save the earth.
  • Use Of Electronic Or Solar Power Vehicles :- If everyone stops the use of motor vehicles which run on diesel, petrol and gases and start using electronic or solar power vehicles can help reduce pollution and the affect of global warming.

                                         Important Message For All 

We are running a campaign of social media to aware people about the affects of global warming. Please contribute to this campaign by just using hashtag #worldsaveenvironment . Your little effort can change the world. If the campaign gets million of followers than the goverments of various countries will awake from this alarm. 

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